Zechariah 4: God and His People
Welcome to Term 3! This term we’re learning from Zechariah in the Old Testament.
Listening to the Bible
Read: Zechariah 6:11-15
The NIrV version is probably the best for this week’s passage, if they are able to read for themselves. You can find it online here.
Make sure you discuss these questions with a family member!
- If you could live with anyone in the world, who would you like to live with?
- Who does God want to live with?
- What did God have to fix up before we could live with him? (Zechariah 3:9)
- How did God do this?
- What did God have the people build for him to live in?
- You might like to Google “tabernacle” and “Solomon’s Temple” to see pictures of what these may have looked like.
- We don’t have tabernacles and temples now. Does God promise to live with us still? How does he? (1 Corinthians 3:16)
- When will we live with God and see his face? (Revelation 21:3)
- What do you think will be the best thing about living with God in heaven?
Helping it Stick
Dear Father God,
Thank you so much that you want to live with us. Thank you for sending Jesus to die for us to fix up our sin problem so that we could live with you in heaven forever. (Thank God for the things you are looking forward to when you get to live with God in heaven.)
In Jesus name Amen.
Memory Verse
I will remove the sin of this land in a single day.
Zechariah 3:9b
Print out the pages here and make a booklet.
Page 1 – Glue straws and material or tissues to the page to make a tent.
Page 2 – Cut out rectangles of yellow paper to make brinks. Glue bricks to build a temple.
Page 3 – Colour in the name of Jesus
Page 4 – Draw a picture of yourself.
Page 5 – If you have circle stickers, stick them all over the page and draw smiley faces on them. Otherwise, just draw smiley faces all over the page.
“God Is With Us” – God promises to be with us always
“Forever and a Day” – If we trust in Jesus, we will live with God in heaven forever!