
Overview of Marriage

Marriage is a wonderful gift from God.

God, who at the beginning made us male and female… God declared that when a man is united to his wife, they become one flesh. (Genesis 2:24)

Jesus would later command us: ‘…what God has joined together, let no one separate’. (Matthew 19:4-10)

God’s purpose for marriage is that husband and wife should live together in an exclusive physical relationship as part of a lifelong commitment.

While not everyone will get married, marriage is a gift that benefits the whole of human society. The husband and wife are the foundation of family life. This is especially true as husbands and wives learn to serve one another with the costly, self-sacrificial love God has shown to us in His Son, the Lord Jesus:

“…God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. (Romans 5:8)

Things to consider when getting married at Guildford Anglican

  • Our ministers are licensed to marry people according to the rites of the Anglican Church of Australia.
  • We require couples to undertake marriage preparation sessions with the minister (usually 3 to 5 sessions).
  • While you might have a specific date in mind, we cannot guarantee that our ministers will be available on the day you want.
  • The number of weddings we can accommodate per year is limited.

What do I do next?

Step 1: Visit one of our Sunday Services and make contact with one of our Ministers

Step 2: After your initial contact, one of our Ministers will book in a time to:

  • speak with you about what a wedding in an Anglican Church involves
  • address the required paperwork – e.g., Notice of Intended Marriage
  • pencil in some dates
  • plan the wedding preparation sessions


Are we able to decorate the church?

To some extent, yes. Flowers and ribbons and the like are allowed.

Please note, your wedding guests will be responsible for leaving the building clean, tidy, and arranged as before.

You can access the building for the wedding rehearsal and (up to) 2 hours prior to the ceremony on the wedding day.

We do not allow glitter, confetti, rice, etc. Blowing bubbles is a popular alternative.

When can we get married?

You might come to us with a specific wedding date in mind. However, please note, availability for weddings is very limited and the process of marriage preparation takes time.

We suggest beginning the discussion with us as soon as possible and being flexible with alternatives.

Weddings are conducted on Saturdays.

How much will the wedding cost?

We currently charge $1,500 to conduct a wedding and require a $250 deposit to secure the date.

This fee includes the preliminary interview, wedding preparation sessions with your minister and use of our building(s) and AV equipment for both the wedding rehearsal and the actual service.

Can we bring our own Minister/Celebrant?

All weddings conducted in our buildings must use the rites of the Anglican Church of Australia. With the prior permission of our Bishop and Senior Minister, licensed Anglican clergy from other churches may be able to officiate at weddings using our buildings.

Wedding celebrants and ministers of other religions cannot officiate at weddings using our buildings.

Can we write our own vows?

No. We are licenced to marry people according to the rites of the Anglican Church of Australia.

My family has a long history with St Mary’s Anglican Church in Guildford. Are you flexible with the requirements for weddings?

Marriage preparation is a requirement for all couples wanting to marry at one of our churches.

We understand that weddings are significant family events that can have long traditions going back generations. We respect this history.

At the same time, we consider it our responsibility to make sure couples are prepared for married life.

We strongly recommend starting the discussion with us as soon as possible – and at least 6 months prior to your preferred wedding date.

Can we have alcohol at the church after the service?

No. Our Parish Council does not allow for the consumption of alcohol on church property.

I’ve been divorced. Will this mean I can’t get married at your church?

Possibly. It will depend entirely upon individual circumstances – which our ministers will treat with respect.

Please be aware, however, in these situations and depending on the circumstances, our ministers must apply to receive permission from their Bishop to marry a divorced person. We cannot guarantee this outcome.

Should we invite the Minister to our reception?

Only if you want to! Numbers are always limited, and we understand the pressure couples are under. Besides, ministers have many weekend commitments so may not be able to accept your invitation anyway.

Will you conduct same-sex weddings?

We wish you every happiness. But we will not conduct same-sex wedding ceremonies in our churches.

The doctrine of marriage upheld by the Anglican Church of Australia – and by our ministers – is based on Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 19:4-6, where Jesus affirms that, from the beginning, marriage is between a man and a woman.