Zechariah 10-11: Shepherds of God’s People
Welcome to Term 3! This term we’re learning from Zechariah in the Old Testament.
Listening to the Bible
Read: Zechariah 10:2b-3
The International Children’s Bible is probably the most accessible for children for this passage, if they are able to read for themselves. You can find it online here.
Make sure you discuss these questions with a family member!
- The bad shepherds Zechariah told us about were very different to Jesus. Can you remember what the bad shepherds did?
- In Zechariah 10:3, God promised to care for his people. Whom did God send to care for us?
- How is Jesus God’s Good Shepherd?
- Is Jesus everyone’s Good Shepherd?
- If you are following Jesus, what do you think is the best thing about having Jesus as your Good Shepherd?
Helping it Stick
Dear Father God,
Thank you for sending Jesus to be our Good Shepherd. Thank you that Jesus knows each one of us by name, was willing to die to save us, gives us everything we need, and never leaves us. Thank you that Jesus is the only one who can lead us into your good heaven. (Thank God for one thing you love about Jesus being your Good Shepherd.)
In Jesus name Amen.
Memory Verse
I will remove the sin of this land in a single day.
Zechariah 3:9b
You can find the print-out here.
- Print out the page.
- Colour in the sky and green grass.
- Glue cotton wool on the sheep.
- When you’ve finished, fold the page in half so that the sheep stands up.
“I Just Wanna Be A Sheep” (Pharisees and Sadducees were the religious leaders of God’s people. Most wanted to kill Jesus – the bad shepherds!)
“Isaiah 53:6” – still a favourite!