John 13:34-35 – How to Recognise a Follower of Jesus

Welcome to Term 3! This term we’re learning from 1 John and 1 Corinthians 13

Listening to the Bible



The CEV version is probably the most accessible for children, if they are able to read for themselves. You can find it online here.

Helping it stick


Dear God,

Thank you for sending Jesus to die on the cross for us, even when we were your enemies and didn’t deserve it.  Thank you that if we trust in Jesus we can be friends with you and go to heaven.  Help us to live with Jesus as our king and do what he says.  Help us to love and be kind and patient with others, our parents, our brothers and sisters, people at school and even the people who are mean to us.

In Jesus name, Amen.

Memory Verse

“35 If you love each other, everyone will know that you are my disciples.”

John 13:35


Printable here.

Younger Kids – hearts with words – kind, patient, forgiving, not selfish, not jealous, not quick-tempered

  1. Cut out hearts with outlines of words.  Colour in words.  Try to get kids to think of concrete examples of things they can do and actual people they can show love to – help them write names on back of hearts.
  2. Punch hole in hearts and tie together with ribbon


  • Kind – tidy up toy room for mum
  • Patient – when little brother messes up a game, don’t get angry
  • Forgiving – not being mad at someone who has been mean to you
  • Not selfish – sharing favourite toy with sister
  • Not jealous – happy for someone when they do well
  • Not quick tempered – not getting angry easily when someone says something you don’t like

Older Kids – blank heart outlines. 

  1. Cut out hearts.
  2. Get children to read 1 Corinthians 13:4-5
  3. On each heart, write words that say what love is.  
  4. Get them to think about concrete examples of people they can show love to in that way – get them to be specific – write on back of heart.
  5. Punch hole in hearts and tie together with ribbon .
